In a tweet posted this morning, Punjab’s Education Minister, Harjot Singh Bains, announced an initiative that is taking students from Government Schools of Eminence (SOE) to Sriharikota to witness Chandrayaan 3’s launch on July 14th. According to the tweet, 40 students from Punjab’s Schools of Eminence (SOE) are traveling to Sriharikota for three days to attend the Chandrayaan3 launch. Additionally, he said that students will have the opportunity to tour the whole ISRO facility in Sriharikota and learn about the country’s advancements in space technology. dvancements in space technology.
In a tweet posted this morning, Punjab’s Education Minister, Harjot Singh Bains, announced an initiative that is taking students from Government Schools of Eminence (SOE) to Sriharikota to witness Chandrayaan 3’s launch on July 14th. According to the tweet, 40 students from Punjab’s Schools of Eminence (SOE) are traveling to Sriharikota for three days to attend the Chandrayaan3 launch. Additionally, he said that students will have the opportunity to tour the whole ISRO facility in Sriharikota and learn about the country’s advancements in space technology. dvancements in space technology.